Roland Cloud System-1 Keygen v1.3.8 Free Download

The Roland Cloud System-1 is a Virtual Circuit Modeled (VCM) software synth that meticulously models the analog circuits and components from classic Roland gear. Rather than just sampling the synths, Roland’s innovative modeling technology captures all the quirks, instabilities, and non-linearities that gave the original hardware its unique character and sound.

The System-1 is part of Roland Cloud System-1 Full version crack subscription service, giving you access to this powerful virtual instrument for your productions. It’s available for Mac and Windows in VST, AU, and AAX plugin formats, as well as a standalone version. Let’s dive into what makes this virtual synth so special.

What is the Roland Cloud System-1?

At its core, the System-1 combines meticulous reproductions of two of Roland Cloud System-1’s Keygen most legendary synthesizers:

Roland SH-101 Monosynth

Originally released in 1982, the iconic SH-101 monophonic synth became a cult favorite for its thick, punchy basses, evocative leads, and distinctly “organic” character. The System-1 perfectly captures the vibe and quirks of this classic through its Circuit Behavior Modeling.

Roland Cloud System-1 Download free System-100m Semi-Modular

The rare and highly-prized System-100m modular was a semi-modular powerhouse. The System-1 precisely models all its key components like oscillators, filters, envelopes, and more. This unlocks immense creative patching potential just like the original hardware.

Beyond these two main synth models, the System-1 also recreates the SH-2 and provides the ability to load different circuit revision models for subtle tonal variations.

Roland Cloud System 1 Keygen

Authentic Circuit Modeling

What really sets the Roland Cloud System-1 Keygen apart is its obsessive modeling of every single electronic circuit component from the original analog machines. Using an innovative component-level VCM approach, Roland virtually recreated things like:

  • Transistors, resistors, and capacitors
  • Op-amps, diodes, and other semiconductors
  • PCB circuits and board layouts

This exhaustive modeling down to such a granular level is what allows the System-1 to so exquisitely capture the warmth, grit, and idiosyncrasies that gave vintage analog synths their musicality and vibe. Every nuance and non-linear quirk is recreated with stunning accuracy.

Roland Cloud System-1 Keygen SH-101 Modeling

Let’s look at how Roland faithfully reproduced the classic SH-101 monosynth as an example. The SH-101 was known for its:

  • Uniquely fat and punchy basslines
  • Highly resonant low-pass filter with distinctive growl
  • Smooth envelope shaping capabilities
  • Memorable lead and poly-synth pad sounds

The System-1’s SH-101 model perfectly encapsulates all of these transcendent qualities that made the original such a standout instrument. From the filter’s aggressive scream to the warmth and presence of the oscillators, it’s an utterly convincing reproduction.

Some classic SH-101 tracks to give you an idea of its iconic sound:

  • “Pump Up the Jam” by Technotronic
  • “Blue Monday” by New Order
  • “I’ll House You” by Jungle Brothers
  • Tons of classic hip hop, electro, and dance tracks

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System-100 Semi-Modular Modeling

On the other end of the spectrum, the System-100m was a semi-modular behemoth that offered immense creative patching potential. Its oscillators, envelopes, filters, and other modules could be combined in any way the user desired.

The System-1’s System-100m model gives you complete access to these legendary components:

Oscillators – 100 VCO (voltage controlled oscillator)
– 100 Ring Mod – 100 Pro-One

Filters – 100 VCF (voltage controlled filter) – 100 HiPass

Envelopes & LFOs – 100 EG – 100 LFO

Plus effects, mixers, and more

By modeling the entire semi-modular system, the Roland Cloud System-1 Free download allows you to patch these virtual components together in any configuration you can dream up, limited only by your imagination.

The System-1 Synth Section

Of course, the System-1 isn’t just a nostalgic novelty – it’s also an immensely powerful software synth in its own right. The main plugin interface gives you full control over a complete virtual analog synth:

Oscillators – 2 classic VCOs with crossmod – Sub-oscillator with +/- 2 octaves – Ring modulation

Filters – Multimode 24db/12db filter (LP, HP, BP) – Aggressive resonance capabilities – Selectable pre/post routings

Envelopes – 4 envelopes with adjustable curves – ADSR + Delay for filter/amp – Multiple triggering modes

LFOs – 2 independent LFOs – Tempo sync and key triggering – Sample & Hold functionality

Effects – Gorgeous modeled effects section – Lush reverb, warm overdrive, and tempo-syncable delays – Ability to load external VST effect plugins too!

With such a powerful, knob-filled interface at your fingertips, the creative patching and sound design possibilities are absolutely staggering. You could easily lose hours just tweaking oscillators, rhythmically animating filters, and crafting sequences with the modulation options.

Included are hundreds of inspirational preset patches from Roland Cloud System-1’s Keygen sound designers to get you started. But the true joy is in constructing your own wild creations from the ground up!

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Built-In Effects

Part of what makes the System-1 such a fantastic addition to any music producer’s arsenal is the high-quality effects section built right into the plugin. This gives you the ability to add beautiful space, motion, and grit to your synth patches without needing additional plugins.

The effects complement the main synth engines perfectly:

Reverb – Ultra-lush and detailed reverb algorithms – Everything from intimate rooms to vast halls – Adjustable decay time and pre-delay

Overdrive – Flexible overdrive with adjustable drive and tone – Imbue your sounds with warmth, grit, and attitude
– Multiple saturation modes from subtle to extreme

Delay – Gorgeous and rhythmic delays – Tempo-syncable for creative pattern creation
– Adjustable feedback for soaring atmospheric trails

With just these three effects alone, you can take a basic synth patch and transform it into something huge, ethereal, or aggressively overdriven. The effects slots are also scalable, allowing you to load additional VST plugins for even deeper sound sculpting potential.

Integrating the System-1 in Your DAW

As a plugin instrument, the Roland Cloud System-1 Keygen is incredibly easy to integrate into your existing DAW workflow. You can simply drop it onto a MIDI or instrument track just like any other VST plugin.

This unlocks powerful workflow capabilities like:

  • Recording and playing MIDI sequences into the synth
  • Automating any of the front panel parameters for movement
  • Defining custom splits and layers
  • Bouncing out audio stems for further processing

The System-1 works seamlessly with all major DAWs including Ableton Live, FL Studio, Logic, Cubase, Pro Tools, Studio One, and more. You can take full advantage of your sequencer’s capabilities while also being able to deeply tweak and automate the synth itself.

For those who prefer a more self-contained experience, Roland Cloud System-1 Full version crack also offers the System-1 as a standalone application. This allows you to fire it up independently of a DAW for jamming, sound design, or use as a live performance instrument.

Roland Cloud System 1 Keygen

Is the Roland Cloud System-1 Keygen Worth It?

So is the Roland Cloud System-1 Download free worth adding to your virtual studio? Here are some key considerations:


  • Utterly authentic and exquisite emulations of vintage Roland gear
  • Deep sound design capabilities from a single, self-contained plugin
  • Built-in high-quality effects like reverb, delay, and overdrive
  • Flexible for studio productions or live performances
  • Very fairly priced as part of Roland’s Cloud subscription service


  • No official editor or deep MIDIlearn functionality yet
  • Some might prefer the simplicity of a traditional subtractive synth
  • You’ll need an internet connection and active Roland Cloud subscription

Who Should Consider the System-1?

The Roland Cloud System-1 is an absolute must-have for:

  • Vintage synth lovers looking for authentic, classic Roland sounds
  • Producers on a budget wanting iconic vintage synths without breaking the bank
  • Analog-style sound design fans who crave raw, edgy, characterful tones
  • Semi-modular patching enthusiasts wanting maximum routing creativity
  • Songwriters & composers requiring inspirational, evocative instrument sounds

With its painstaking reproduction of multiple historic synths along with modern sound design flexibility, the System-1 manages to strike a perfect balance of vintage vibe and contemporary utility. It’s a stunningly affordable way to put classic analog mojo into your recordings.

At the end of the day, the Roland Cloud System-1 Keygen is a profoundly inspiring virtual instrument. From warm, organic basslines to vast atmospheric pads and everything in between, it transports the magic of legendary vintage gear right into the box. For analog synth lovers, it’s an essential addition to any plugin collection.

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